A Property With Potential – The UKs Complicated Planning System
The Planning System in the UK is a slow process that seems sometimes to have been designed to stop people from being able to make the changes to their property. Because of this, we find that most people are wary of the planning system and although they may have an idea of what work could be carried out on their property, they are really not sure.
People feel that gaining planning permission can be costly and take a long time. This is true at times as a planning application has to published so that neighbours and interested parties can have their say, it can be seen by local Councillors and either then granted by a planning officer or taken to a planning committee of the District Council. This process means that many people, most not trained in the UK planning system, can have a say on what they think of the proposed plans.

It is important that planning policies are adhered to so that there is not overdevelopment and unsightly extensions and buildings being built. The problem is when different people interpret those policies in different ways and can decide that a perfectly good planning application does not fit within the planning policy guidlines. This can be appealed may be corrected but thkis all takes more time, upo to a year or more, and added expence.
The UK government has always seen that the system could be better and a system of Permitted Development Rights (PDR)were developed and enshrined in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (GPDO), which came into force on 1 June 1995. This legislation established a framework allowing certain types of development to proceed without the need for full planning permission. This framework has grown over the years and now covers many areas where a homeowner may want to extend their home along with allowing certain other developments to help with the national housing shortage such as commercial to residential conversions etc.
How Does This Benefit Me?
Most estate agents know little about the planning system in this country. Because of this, when marketing a property, they are very vague when talking about the potential it may have regards adding rooms and extensions or what land with a property could be used for. The standard sales lines of “potential subject to planning permission” or “opportunity to extend STPP” are used by most Estate Agents as they do not understand what can be done to a property and how straight forward this may be without any actual planning applications. can be changed to something like “Another bedroom can be added without any planning permission” or “Add a double storey rear extension without the need for applying for planning permission”.
By studying with a planning officer with many years experience and who has worked as a pla nning consultant, and by researching the UK planning system and local planning authorities such as Epping Forest, I can quickly see the potential of any property and show you the projects that can be carried out without submitting planning applications, along with giving ideas of what could likely be possible with a planning application.
This benefits you if you are selling a property as I can help you market the property with better property listings and a Planning Potential Report thsat will make the property stand out from others on the market and attract more buyers. This is something I will look as standard with any property that I have been instructed to sell. Some properties have more potential than others, but if itmis there, we can market to that strength.
If you are buying a property then this can also benefit you as I can show you what can be done to a property which the person might not know and potentially have not factored in to the price. This means that you will have an understanding of the potential of the property you are looking to buy and may be able to buy it at an attractive price.
Whether you are buying or selling a property, my knowledge and the “Property Potential Briefs and Reports” will be of great benefit so please get in touch to chat about how I can be of help on 07973 863820.
A Property With Potential – Selling A House
Along with the traditional marketing brochures and listings, the Property With Potential Report will show buyers how your property may be extended with extra rooms etc. and how this may be possible without having to submit planning applications. This makes a property stand out from other properties being marketed in the area and shows not only how good the property is now, but how it could be with the potential realised.
This will mean that hopefully there will be more interested buyers which in turn can mean a better price achieved for the property and a smoother sales process.
As mentioned above, most estate agents have limited knowledge of how the UK planning system works and what can be done with a property. Because of this, they market a property as it is today and do not show the potential that may be available in a property such as easily being able to add extra bedrooms, an extension or even another floor to a property, without needing full planning permission. Sometimes with just a planning officer giving a certificate after checking to make sure a project fits certain criteria. Thkis can mean that a property does n ot look as attractive as it could do with the right marketing and may sell for a lower price or take longer to get an offer on. The Planning Potential reports help with this.
I offer a basic Planning Potential Brief with every Market Appraisal carried out and give a full Planning Potential Report for every property I am marketing either directly or through the KW agents I work with.
I offer both the brief and full report to homeowners who are not looking to market through myself. Please call 07973 863820 for prices.

A Property With Potential – Buying A Property
Showing you, and as a potential buyer, the different building and development opportunities available on a property, and how easy it may be to achieve them.
At “A Property With Potential” we thoroughly research the property and surrounding area. We check local planning authority records to confirm whether the property is located in an area that may affect it’s planning potential along with checking the planning history of all local properties. By doing this, and using our knowledge of local planning, we are able to build up a picture of what is DEFINITELY possible planning wise on a property, and also what could be considered along with a view on the likelihood of getting planning permission.
The report we produce can then be used as a guide to what the potential is of that property as it stands, and if certain projects were undertaken.
This is an incredibly important tool for anybody lookig to buy a property. That may be to see the potential of a property as a new family home, but could also be for investors that are looking to develop a property and want an understanding of how suitable a property may be and whether certain projects are likely to get planning permission.
A Property Potential Report can be put together for any property, over most of the UK and does not involve the owner of the property.
The Planning Potential Report could not only safe you time and money looking at projects that are unlikely to succeed, but is a valuable to tool to show the potential value and profit in any development/investment deal.
I offer a basic Planning Potential Brief to any buyer who is selling a property through me FOC. I am happy to do either a Brief or full Report on any property for other potential buyres. Please call me on 07973 863820 for prices and to discuss how we can work together on this.